Navigate the information storm easily with SAVOIRR, your EU monitoring tool.

Navigating the information storm

In today's fast-paced world of policy and public affairs, professionals face the daunting challenge of sifting through an unending deluge of information. This constant influx, akin to navigating a tempestuous sea, demands a tool that not only withstands the storm but also charts a clear course forward.

Seeking relevance amidst the noise

Professionals often grapple with discerning which information is truly relevant. In an effort to ensure no developments in one's field are missed, multiple newsletters and updates add to the flood of emails crowding your inbox every day. The question arises: How can one ensure that updates received are directly applicable to their interests?

Our AI-driven platform filters the noise, delivering tailored updates that matter most to you. Our user-friendly interface ensures that insights can easily be transformed into impactful strategies, allowing you to concentrate on what truly counts: meaningful advocacy.

Ensuring reliable information

In a sphere riddled with rumours and unofficial documents, verifying the reliability of information sources becomes a pivotal concern. Despite accessing reliable sources, the enormous quantity of contributors to the legislative processes in Europe or elsewhere requires careful navigation, as many different bodies and institutions are involved in law making.

SAVOIRR addresses this by curating open government data, ensuring every piece of information is credible. Our platform connects related information across sources and empowers professionals to navigate the dynamic landscape with confidence, bolstering their network with verified data.

SAVOIRR connects the dots for you.

Knowledge loss - never again

Organisations often struggle with capturing and sharing the wealth of knowledge they accumulate, risking valuable insights being lost or siloed as team structures evolve.

Our intuitive knowledge management features stand as a beacon of sustainability, enabling seamless tracking of actions and documentation. SAVOIRR ensures that strategy development is collaborative and informed, not dependent on the knowledge of a few. Adding our reporting feature to the picture makes your workflow more reliable, efficient, and effective.

Once upon a time…

Launching in 2018 marked our first step towards providing timely, relevant updates. Our initial tool focused exclusively on Swiss data, confronting us with the challenge of multiple and varying sources like the 26 cantonal parliaments. After tackling these and other challenges, we decided to take our learnings and build SAVOIRR on this foundation, offering a more sophisticated approach to managing European public affairs information.

Experience the transformative power of SAVOIRR first hand. Join us in turning information overload into a well-navigated journey towards impactful advocacy. Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our solution to your needs.

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